19. Procedure to apply for military veterans benefits

(1) A military veteran or his or her representative may, subject to regulation 7(2), apply for a military veterans benefit by completing the appropriate application form at an office of the Department, or at any other place designated by the Department, in the presence of an official designated by the Department.

(2) The designated official must assist the military veteran or his or her representative to complete the application form if he or she is, for whatever reason, unable to do so.

(3) The application form must be accompanied by all the documents contemplated in regulation 20.

(4) The designated official together with another designated official must certify that the application requirements have been complied with.

(5) The Department must furnish the military veteran or his or her representative with an acknowledgement of receipt which must:

  • (a) be dated and stamped with the official stamp of the Department;
  • (b) reflect the name and identity number of the military veteran; and
  • (c) reflect the names of the designated officials.

(6) The Department must keep a register of all applications received, which register must record in respect of each application:

  • (a) the identifying particulars of the military veteran;
  • (b) the date of the application;
  • (c) the type of benefit applied for; and
  • (d) the names of the designated officials.

(7) Application forms are available at the offices of the Department or any other place
designated by the Department.

20. Documents necessary to apply for benefits

An applicant must have the following original documents with him or her when making an application for a benefit:

  • (a) Identity document of the military veteran and, where applicable, the identity document of his or her spouse;
  • (b) proof of the spousal relationship status;
  • (c) birth certificates of the dependants of the military veteran, where applicable; and
  • (d) the military veteran identity card issued by the Department.

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