Business Empowerment Programmes

  • Embrace widening of access to economic participation to Military Veterans.
  • Utilisation of preferential procurement mechanisms within the DMV and other social partners, as well as the establishment and operationalization thereof.
  • To provide business development advice and business incubation programmes and to empower MV’s to be self-sustaining business entities.
  • To provide employment opportunities to military veterans.
Strategic outcomes
  • Reduction in the level of unemployment among NSF Military Veterans.
  • Number of private sector companies and organs of state in partnership with the Department of Military Veterans.
  • Establish fully functional Special Purpose Vehicle.
In achieving the above the skills development and empowerment unit focuses on the following programmes:
  • Ensure active participation by Military Veterans in Rural development and land reform programmes (ownership, tenure systems, enterprise & industry Development Program)
  • Diagnostic Evaluation of Military Veterans Economic Empowerment and Skills Transferability and Recognition Programme
  • Provide for access to training and development interventions for Military Veterans through SETA’s, private sector companies and in other government departments
  • Provide for job opportunities for Military Veterans in various government departments and private sector companies through MoUs and partnership agreements
  • Conduct Recognition of Prior Learning to facilitate awarding of credit for learning attained by Military Veterans and transferability of skills attained.
  • Facilitate establishment of new business ventures for Military Veterans.
  • Enhance empowerment of Military Veterans through recognition of their capacity to become service providers to government.
How is business support rendered?
  • Identify a business idea to its realisation
  • Assist with business plan development
  • Assist with business registration processes
  • Assist in the sourcing of funding where possible
  • Assist with support letters needed by various institutions that work with Military Veterans
  • Co-ordinate training programmes in support of the business initiatives and growth.

Contact details

Tel: 012 765 9469