Business Support: Companies’ registration checklist

All the documents listed below should be certified, accompany your request for business support and posted to:

Business Empowerment Unit, Private Bag X 943, Pretoria, 0001
or hand delivered to: 328 Festival Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083

  1. Signed correspondence from the company detailing the nature of support required from the Department of Military Veterans

    The correspondence Letterhead should include the following:

    • Company name,
    • Physical and postal addresses,
    • Tel/Cell number,
    • Fax number,
    • E-mail address,
    • VAT number (if any),
    • Registration number,
    • Authorisation signature
    • Force numbers and Former forces of all Directors
  2. Province & town
  3. Verification of members on the DMV database (Letters attached)
  4. Company registration documents
  5. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
  6. BBBEE Certificate
  7. Letter from the Bank confirming company bank details
  8. Identity Document(s) (copies) indicate if Military Veteran
  9. Company Profile
  10. Shareholders Curriculum Vitae (including career development needs related to the Business)

Ms Matlakala Leballo

Tel: 012 765 9469
Cell: 0635698776