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Defence Budget Vote 2024 (Vote 23) by Hon MA Motshekga

Minister MA Motshekga

The total budget allocation for the DMV for the 2024/2025 financial year amounts to R864million. Included in this budget is R158 million earmarked amounts for the rollout of the military veterans’ pension benefits;

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Memorialisation and Honouring of 21 Former MK Freedom Fighters

Deputy President Paul Mashatile together with Minister Thandi Modise and Deputy Minster Thabang Makwetla will hand over headstones of fallen former MK operatives to 21 affected families.


Continuing Education Support 2024

Beneficiaries pending submission of unabridged birth certificates or legal proof of relations are urged to submit these documents urgently to close off 2023 academic year, by 31 March 2024.


2022/2023 Annual Report

Annual Report 2022/23

Download a copy

Pension Benefit roll out

We are here to inform the community of military veterans that as of freedom day this year (27 April 2023), the military veterans can now start the application processes for the pension payout.Deputy Minister Thabang Makwetla addressing the media on the department's readiness to roll out the pension benefit.

Compensation benefit

Compensation application form for members who want to update their contact details as the department is struggling to reach them.

Forms can be emailed to:

Other benefits for Military Veterans

The Military Veterans Act places an obligation for the state to roll out the following proposed services and benefits to the Military Veterans and their dependents:

View complete list of benefits


The Department of Military Veterans is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representativity (race, gender and disability) through the filling of these posts and candidates whose appointment/promotion/transfer will promote representativity will receive preference.

Access all vacancies

Forms and Applications

Military Veterans' Database

Requirements for application to be registered on the Military Veterans Database as well as for updating of details of those already registered

Military Veterans Database Application information

Who qualifies for Burial Support?

  1. Members who passed away while not serving in the SANDF.
  2. Members who registered on the National DMV Database.

4 Steps to be followed by next of kin/relatives on passing away of a Military Veteran… Read more

Contact our call centre on the following numbers:

063 222 2227
063 546 3412
063 336 2631

Follow our social media accounts @VeteransZA

What is the NDP?

Leadership of the Department

Covid-19 info

All the official information you need to know about the Coronavirus Covid-19.
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