(1) A military veteran qualifies for burial support at the expense of the State if he or she, at the time of his or her death:
(2) Despite subregulation (1), the Department may, after considering evidence from either the demobilisation records, the certified personnel register or service certificates providedby a military veteran's relevant recognised association, provide burial support for the military veteran who was not listed in the national military veterans data base at the time of his or her death provided it is proven by documentary evidence that he or she would have qualified to be listed in that data base had he or she registered before his or her death.
(1) The amount for burial support payable to a military veteran is R25 000, subject to subregulation (2).
(2) If any one or more amounts are payable for burial support to a military veteran in terms of any other legislation, the amount payable to that military veteran in terms of subregulation (1) may together with amount or amounts so payable under other legislation not exceed R25 000.
(3) The Minister may in consultation with the Minister of Finance, by notice in the
Gazette annually increase the amount of the burial support benefit in subregulation (1) and (2).
(1) The Department may, on application in accordance with regulation 19 but subject to subregulation (2) and regulation 17, reimburse any person who incurred costs in respect of the burial of a military veteran who meets the criteria in regulation 16.
(2) A person who applies to the Department for the reimbursement of burial costs must submit written proof to the Department of the actual burial costs incurred by him or her.
Standard Operating Procedure for Burial Support
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